Date: Thu, 2 Mar 95 19:07 EET From: "@#!%# !@$%#@!" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1560] interesting point.. In respose to: {[Chris Campbell ]} >Is there anyone here that likes a lot of the tracker music better than the >crap they sell on CD's in the music stores for $14.95? Absolutely! I feel that the kind of music that is sent through my computer at home from ftp sites is closer to my liking than that of the "top forty" stuff I find in the store. I think that the talent is actually greater in tracker music... this could be mere speculation on my part, but It is worth the money o O (what money)... he he he. aaron ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 02:27 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1566] Defloration! I don't know who requested it, but it's on HORNET again! /pub/msdos/demos/incoming/music/ -- : Red Horizon : "You gotta believe in something.. : : why not believe in me?" ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 02:53 EET From: Joel Christopher Bruner Subject: [KLF-TALK:1567] Real Music is better In response to: > I think that the talent is actually greater in tracker > music... this could be mere speculation on my part, but It is > worth the money > o O (what money)... he he he. > > aaron I kinda differ on that one... music made by people with real instruments and REAL VOICES will always be more popular... i'm listening to Weezer, their album is awesome and could never have been done without real instuments and RWAL talent... it doesn't take to much to put together a drum beat with hi-hat, and a synth with echo effects and then an arpegiated background. Granted some techniques are implemented in Original ways which are awesome to hear and that is talent. BUt for the most part even cool sounding songs aren't too hard to put together... look at some of the times that tracker songs are put together in... 2 hours 3 hours... The fact that trackers use samples and DRUM LOOPS recorded of of artists who have "invented" that sound tends to make me think higher of the original artist... oh well I still like tracker music though... Good job Kosmic Kampers... Joel ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 03:52 EET From: "Steven M. Hill" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1569] Re: Cubic Player > > >I don't like FT2 > > > >-It's really picky (needs just HIMEM.SYS loaded) > >-No shell to DOS. > > It works fine with QEMM. I haven't had any problems. As > for the shell to dos, yeah, one of the most annoying features.. > but, hey, who cares? > > Hey, anyone in this group know how to input notes in FT2 without > having to start "recording"? I find the recording feature > bothersome. > > -- > RH. Bye. > Hit the Space Bar. Right Control Key plays the the mod from that pattern, Right Alt just plays the current pattern. Steve thekraken ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 03:51 EET From: "Steven M. Hill" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1568] Re: Cubic Player > > On Tue, 28 Feb 95 22:53 EET, > rhorizon@InterServ.Com wrote: > > >>I found it held a few notes too long with Reflector by Zodiak. > >Well, if you really want to listen to XMs, why not just load up FT2 until > >a new version of DMP, IPlay, CapaMod, or Mod4Win comes out so you can > > I don't like FT2 That's ok, I don't like Iplay > > -It's really picky (needs just HIMEM.SYS loaded) > -No shell to DOS. Wrong(ish), FT2 usess the RAM parameter set on the EMM386.EXE line in the config.sys (or Qemm386). Cubic can shell to dos, and it seems to load files quickly... > >listen to them? I mean, it's not that bad.. fer example, it's got a > >rocking version of Nibbles in it.. so.. =) > > Well, I can't argue with that =) I can. I'm crap even at novice level. But I guess it works cos' I get pissed and then go back to composing. Steve thekraken Paraphrase : "When an enemy offers you an insult, think of this as a gift. Politely return the gift. Who now owns the gift?" Buddha (Yeah, that eternally happy fat-cat) ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 04:37 EET From: South Street North Studios Subject: [KLF-TALK:1571] Re: Real Music is better On Fri, 3 Mar 1995, Joel Christopher Bruner wrote: > I kinda differ on that one... music made by people with real instruments > and REAL VOICES will always be more popular... i'm listening to Weezer, their > album is awesome and could never have been done without real instuments > and RWAL talent... it doesn't take to much to put together a drum beat > with hi-hat, and a synth with echo effects and then an arpegiated background. > Granted some techniques are implemented in Original ways which are awesome to > hear and that is talent. BUt for the most part even cool sounding songs aren't > too hard to put together... look at some of the times that tracker songs are > put together in... 2 hours 3 hours... Hah! Man, you think songs like "Buddy Holly" and "The Sweater Song" took more time to write than a 2 or 3 hour studio session?? You should check out some live bands in action.. in a recording studio. The only reason they spend so much time is because the studio guys are a) greedy, and b) they have to record everything 10000 times to get a perfect take. The actual writing of the music probably takes about as much time as tracking.. and sometimes less, especially with live instruments, because you don't have to scout out or search for songs. I don't think there's that much difference. > The fact that trackers use samples and DRUM LOOPS recorded of of artists who > have "invented" that sound tends to make me think higher of the original > artist... As one of many, i'd like to argue with that.. i program MY OWN drum loops . i don't rip from artists who already "invented" them. basehead ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 04:50 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1576] Re: On Thu, 2 Mar 95 03:47 EET, Andrew Voss wrote: >Actually, I've been considering doing a breakbeat Peanuts theme. That and >a M*A*S*H theme remix. I don't remember how sober I was at the time, however That would be great! I like that kind of thing... How hard would it be to do a tune of the ST:Voyager theme? I love that! -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 04:47 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1572] Re: More bothersome file locating On Thu, 2 Mar 95 01:14 EET, Jens Puchert wrote: >>>Nobody's selling these recreation mods, are they.. >>But lots of prople are selling players >So what, pray tell, is your point? I don't really have one! I was just thinking in the commercail world you have to pay for the music and the player but in the computer world, you only have to pay for the player, and some are free and most are cheaper than a CD player I guess. -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 04:31 EET From: "@#!%# !@$%#@!" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1570] Re: Real Music is better Well, Joel I guess I might have seemed a little hasty on when saying that I feel tracker music is better than real music. What I think I meant to say was that tracker music has disappointed me much less than top 40. However, I am also not saying that top 40 contians little talent, Those songwriters have much talent. Just not down my alley like electronic music. aaron ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 04:52 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1578] Re: FT2 - was Cubic Player On Thu, 2 Mar 95 15:03 EET, Tobias Reckhard wrote: >Neither do I, but a lot of people do. It is a good editor, undoubtedly, >but I like a couple of ST3 things more... I like ST3 because it's so easy to use. -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 05:46 EET From: Jacob Cossairt Subject: [KLF-TALK:1581] Defloration! On Fri, 3 Mar 1995 rhorizon@InterServ.Com wrote: > I don't know who requested it, but it's on HORNET again! > /pub/msdos/demos/incoming/music/ I put it, along with Beyond Music and Space Debris, on there. I don't think my host was allowing most people to FTP into it. ______________________________________________________________________________ Jacob Cossairt's signature: ! @ @ ! E-mail: jacob@kecomp.coldwater.MI.US Senior - Bronson High School ! < ! RIME: ->5287 or ->DRAGCIT | | * | Fall '95: Freshman - University ! `---' ! Fidonet: 1:2201/41.4 |--| | | of Michigan/ Ann Arbor majoring !!!!!!!!! Echonet: Not anymore! | | | * in Computer Engineering WWW: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 04:49 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1574] Re: Starplayer On Thu, 2 Mar 95 02:26 EET, kim davies wrote: >Well, Starplayer now has Soundblaster support. Although the actual sound >quality is bad, the effects implementation is as good as the GUS support (we >hope.) Good sound quality on a SB is an Oxymoron Kim =) >Anyway, the point is, if any of you guys know where to find the SDK's for >soundcards you'd like supported, I'd like to know :) I'm just happy with GUS support, and if you can find any way to make Starplay not re-boot my machine when I try to load certian mods, that would be great. -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 04:49 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1575] Re: More bothersome file locating On Thu, 2 Mar 95 02:44 EET, STIMPY wrote: >A friend of mine has a CD with a remix of the Gameboy Tetris music. We >laughed outloud in joy, and had a warm, fuzzy feeling the rest of the >night...heh... Well I won't ask... I have a cool remix of Super Mario brothers! No not the movie, I thought that sucked. -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 04:51 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1577] Re: More bothersome file locating On Thu, 2 Mar 95 00:16 EET, J.Toon wrote: >> non-commercial means of duplication between computer systems. Archival onto >> audio recording media is allowed for personal use only. Non-commercial >> broadcast of this music is allowed provided you clearly state the author and >> origin of the song. > >> I think that clearly says that you can not tape a legally Kosmic release. > >Thats weird .. I always thought a recording to a tape for personal usage >went under the 'Archival onto audio recording media is allowed for >personal use only.' for commercial purposes where money is involved, then >no, that is illegal even tho I highly doubt that KFMF would go as far as >to sue on a small basis of a couple sales of KFMF tapes .. limited to: selling this music on a CD-ROM software collection disk, taping, burning or otherwise recording this music to analogue or digital tape, I always thought that covered it. Seems like 2 conflicting messages. -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 05:22 EET From: Andrew Voss Subject: [KLF-TALK:1579] Re: > >Neither do I, but a lot of people do. It is a good editor, undoubtedly, > >but I like a couple of ST3 things more... > > I like ST3 because it's so easy to use. > > -- > Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada This is EXACTLY what I was talking about. Please, STOP with the one line messages. Do what maelcum does, spill out your guts! Throw all your relevant opinions in one message (or none at all), so we don't have to go deleting 20 messages every day! Thank you. -Andy V. (Phoenix/kosmic) ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 05:33 EET From: Jacob Cossairt Subject: [KLF-TALK:1580] Is it pirating music? On Thu, 2 Mar 1995 wrote: > >Most .mod recreations can't be considered good enough to replace the > >original. I have an .s3m version of NIN's March of the Pigs that comes > >dang close, but I'm not recording it and giving it away. > ... are you taking the original and giving it away? ;) Nah... everybody I know thinks that good old Trent is a little too wierd. Nobody would want it. While I'm here.... I have a question. What's the difference between all the GUS revisions I hear about. What's the newest revesion and stuff. ______________________________________________________________________________ Jacob Cossairt's signature: ! @ @ ! E-mail: jacob@kecomp.coldwater.MI.US Senior - Bronson High School ! < ! RIME: ->5287 or ->DRAGCIT | | * | Fall '95: Freshman - University ! `---' ! Fidonet: 1:2201/41.4 |--| | | of Michigan/ Ann Arbor majoring !!!!!!!!! Echonet: Not anymore! | | | * in Computer Engineering WWW: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 09:25 EET From: Joel Christopher Bruner Subject: [KLF-TALK:1582] Re: Real Music is better Base is quoted as saying: >Hah! Man, you think songs like "Buddy Holly" and "The Sweater Song" took more >time to write than a 2 or 3 hour studio session?? OK, time is no difference (conon). And there are more songs by Weezer Buddy Holly and Undone-The Sweater Song... songs like "say it ain't so" a song about a kid confronting memories of his upbringing by an alcoholic tep-father... you really can't convey THAT in a wordless tracker song n "oo yah" or "hey DJ") Sure, you can craft a dreamy effect or stark hrough careful and meticulous details... but I like the wide "live" music and the quirks of it that can't happen in a tracked ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 09:32 EET From: Joel Christopher Bruner Subject: [KLF-TALK:1583] Re: Real Music is better Aaaaagh the last message got horribly garbled if sent out at all... it was as follows Base is quoted as saying: >Hah! Man, you think songs like "Buddy Holly" and "The Sweater Song" took more >time to write than a 2 or 3 hour studio session?? OK, time is no difference (concession). And there are more songs by Weezer than Buddy Holly and Undone-The Sweater Song... songs like "say it ain't so" a song about a kid confronting memories of his upbringing by an alcoholic step-father... you really can't convey THAT in a wordless tracker song (besides an "oo yah" or "hey DJ") Sure, you can craft a dreamy effect or stark imagery through careful and meticulous details... but I like the wide spectrum of "live" music and the quirks of it that can't happen in a tracked song... Joel "A painting of a rice cake does not satisfy hunger" - Ancient Zen Saying ;) ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 20:41 EET From: (Joshua S. Rodman) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1584] Re: Real Music is better > than Buddy Holly and Undone-The Sweater Song... songs like "say it ain't so" > a song about a kid confronting memories of his upbringing by an alcoholic > step-father... you really can't convey THAT in a wordless tracker song > (besides an "oo yah" or "hey DJ") (This is all My Opinion, btw) Well I enjoy music without words. Words are like salt in your food. Yeah, they can make it taste better, but they are entirely secondary to the music. Many popular bands these days are just too salty. The voice is a wonderful _instrument_ but the when every song ends up as a message, I want to retch. -- Serve the Computer. The Computer is your friend. Be a happy Alpha Complex citizen. ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 22:18 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1586] Re: Real Music is better >> The fact that trackers use samples and DRUM LOOPS recorded of of artists who >> have "invented" that sound tends to make me think higher of the original >> artist... > >As one of many, i'd like to argue with that.. i program MY OWN drum loops >.. i don't rip from artists who already "invented" them. Even the people who quoteunquote "invented" the drum loops didn't originally come up with them. More often than not, it turns out drum loops are just sped up hip-hop beats. -- RH. ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 21:42 EET From: (Dana Dansereau) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1585] Re: More bothersome stuff --=====================_789245605==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >>Well, I also record my favourite klf's songs on a cassette. >>But, I don't sell it. >>I used it to show my friends how good klf music is! > > [Legal Info] > The music contained in this archive is Copyright 1995 KFMF Productions, > All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use of this song, including but not > limited to: selling this music on a CD-ROM software collection disk, taping, > burning or otherwise recording this music to analogue or digital tape, CD, > MiniDisc or other audio media, broadcast of this song in any commercial > broadcast (Television, Satellite, Cable, Radio or other means), using it in > a "demo", noncommercial broadcast without statement of authorship and origin > of the song, and public performance is prohibited. Right is hereby granted > to freely distribute this archive *in original form only* via electronic > networks, distribution via electronic bulletin-board system or any other > non-commercial means of duplication between computer systems. Archival onto > audio recording media is allowed for personal use only. Non-commercial > broadcast of this music is allowed provided you clearly state the author and > origin of the song. > * Please Copy Our Floppies * I'm curious about public broadcasting of your work. I'm considering setting up a radio show at my school's station, cjsf (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada), a lowly little cable only radio station. I would like to run your mod's on the radio, and if I was to would this be a problem? If it is tolerated, have you had any other college radio stations playing your stuff? --=====================_789245605==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="TAG.TXT" (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :"e4"4bj8@&3!9%9B9(4dH(3!!!!!!E)!!!!!,19!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%" !3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%" !3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3!e!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%!J)#!J)%aeEQ0VH5` JEQpd)(P[GA)JCQ&YD@aj)("PG#"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%" !3%"!3%"!3%"!3!e!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%!J)#!J)%4KEQ%J4'&ZFf9bC@&e)#! J)#!J)#!J)#!J)#"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%" !3!e!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%"!3%!J)#!J)'4KER0PFQ9K3(0QG5jMB5!J)#!J)#!J)#! 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And there are more songs by Weezer > Buddy Holly and Undone-The Sweater Song... songs like "say it ain't so" >a song about a kid confronting memories of his upbringing by an alcoholic >tep-father... you really can't convey THAT in a wordless tracker song >n "oo yah" or "hey DJ") Sure, you can craft a dreamy effect or stark >hrough careful and meticulous details... but I like the wide > "live" music and the quirks of it that can't happen in a tracked Sorry, no.. Some songs do have vocals. Full vocals, too. Again, I hate to toot my own horn, but I'd like to bring up the case of "Nothingworld" by me ( /pub/msdos/demos/music/songs/s3m/ I wrote the words first, because I was feeling depressed/suicidal. Then I came up with the music for a totally different song.. and thought "Wow, those words would go good with this!" The song turned out be about 900k large, but I feel it's worth it. And I feel it's one of my best songs. So, to conclude my point.. nyah. =) -- Red Horizon <----> ----------------- Date: Thu, 2 Mar 95 10:13 EET From: (kim davies) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1555] Re: More bothersome file locating > > On Wed, 1 Mar 95 06:09 EET, > Chng Ching Huei wrote: > > >Well, I also record my favourite klf's songs on a cassette. > >But, I don't sell it. > >I used it to show my friends how good klf music is! > > [clippage] > to freely distribute this archive *in original form only* via electronic > networks, distribution via electronic bulletin-board system or any other > non-commercial means of duplication between computer systems. Archival onto > audio recording media is allowed for personal use only. Non-commercial > broadcast of this music is allowed provided you clearly state the author and > origin of the song. > * Please Copy Our Floppies * > > > I think that clearly says that you can not tape a legally Kosmic release. Well, if you mean "I think that clearly says that you can not legally tape a Kosmic release.", think again. "Archival onto audio recording media is allowed for personal use only." clearly states you can. cya, -- ,,:::[ kim davies ]:::.. ::::::[ statix [oxygen/kosmic], ]:::::: '':::[ 31x50'16"S 115x46'19"E, ]:::`` ----------------- Date: Thu, 2 Mar 95 15:24 EET From: (Andrew McCallum / Mental Floss [Kosmic]) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1559] Re: Is it pirating music? >Most .mod recreations can't be considered good enough to replace the >original. I have an .s3m version of NIN's March of the Pigs that comes >dang close, but I'm not recording it and giving it away. ... are you taking the original and giving it away? ;) --- .oOo............... Andrew McCallum = Mental Floss [KFMF] ..........oOo. .oO Fon: 905.884.3739 Fax: 905.508.1527 Oo. oO Music: Oo. K o s m i c F r e e M u s i c F o u n d a t i o n ----------------- Date: Sat, 4 Mar 95 01:03 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1589] Re: Real Music is better On Fri, 3 Mar 95 04:37 EET, South Street North Studios wrote: >Hah! Man, you think songs like "Buddy Holly" and "The Sweater Song" took more >time to write than a 2 or 3 hour studio session?? You should check out some >live bands in action.. in a recording studio. The only reason they spend >so much time is because the studio guys are a) greedy, and b) they have >to record everything 10000 times to get a perfect take. The actual >writing of the music probably takes about as much time as tracking.. and >sometimes less, especially with live instruments, because you don't have >to scout out or search for songs. I don't think there's that much difference. Well I think a lot of tracker music does take longer than 3 hours to write, Dust to Dust (one of the best Kosmic releases ever!) took 20 hours to write and it really shows. Thank you Levithan! I have it playing now in my new Midas for Windows. -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Thu, 2 Mar 95 23:39 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1565] Re: Starplayer >Anyway, the point is, if any of you guys know where to find the SDK's for >soundcards you'd like supported, I'd like to know :) Yeah, but what if the SDK for the soundcard sucks? (read: Awe32) -- RH. ----------------- Date: Thu, 2 Mar 95 23:18 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1563] Re: interesting point.. >>I still enjoy anything created by a computer so it's no big deal, I'll >>keep listening. 8) > >Is there anyone here that likes a lot of the tracker music better than the >crap they sell on CD's in the music stores for $14.95? Yes.. definitely. More often than not, you end up buying a CD in the store for anywhere from 10 to 18 dollars (US), take it home, and find out it sucks. I surely believe that the future of music is not Sam Goody, Tower, or other stores like that. I don't think it's those little stations set up in malls that let you search for artists and quick press a CD for you (Blockbuster's working on those). It's tracker music, even though it's been around for a while. The digital equivalent of a single is every mod that's been released on HORNET. Musicdisks? Full length albums. I'm usually better pleased with the quality of MODs, S3Ms, MTMs, and XMs than with the latest album from Pearl Jam or Green Day (which, I might add, both superiorly trendt bands that I hate). As for music I like, I'll post a list later on. -- RH. ----------------- Date: Thu, 2 Mar 95 22:58 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1561] Re: The Internet in a bocks. >Hmm... I use windoze a lot of the time for my FTP and IRC clients... does >Sprintlink cover Canada? I wouldn't know -- I'm not in canada =\ You can probably check.. if your local store carries it, then yeah, prob'ly does cover it. Otherwise why would they be selling it in Canadia? -- : Red Horizon : Hi there. : : Bye now. ----------------- Date: Thu, 2 Mar 95 23:24 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1564] Favorite toons other than MODs. RH's favorite list of non-MOD/S3M/MTM/XM songs. -Trancesetters Secrets Of Meditation (Remix) -CJ Bolland Camargue -National Razor ..actually, I forget the name of the song. it's the first track on their new cd. -They Might Be Giants Snail Shell (Original Mix) -React 2 Rhythm I Know You Like It -Aphrohead In The Dark We Live -Human Mesh Dance OXO (Eternal Life, it's hard to make the symbol in ASCII) -Illuminatae Tempestada II -MC 900 FT Jesus Killer Inside Me -808 State Cubik (Remix) -Shadowy Men On A Good Cop Bad Cop Shadowy Planet -KMFDM Light (Complete 0rgasm Dub) -Orbital Quality Seconds Well, there you go. A peek into my brain. Thanks. -- : Red Horizon : "High quantity does not make up for low quality." : : -Anonymous ----------------- Date: Sat, 4 Mar 95 03:08 EET From: (Joshua S. Rodman) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1590] EGG 2 reuse. Just today I was futzing with Egg2, and was editing the music.inf file to point to my own favorite songs. I made a couple of versions actually, sorta like playlists, and I got to thinking: "This is easier by far to edit than the info-file for Music Disk Player". It is.. and it supports many more sound cards, and it supports many more formats (and seems to do a good job of it as far as I've seen). Basically, it would be really useful for someone wanting to release a musicdisk who has no coder friends but wants to release a better musicdisk than just a bunch of mods in one archive. Only drawback of course is that all the graphics say EGG and KLF all over them.. I guess this boils down to two questions. 1) What do all you KFMFers think of people using egg2 for their own purposes? 2) How difficult would it be to take out some of the KFMF specific graphics.. though of course leaving the credits in the help page and places like that? oh, and I guess 3) would people doing 2) piss you off? :) -- Serve the Computer. The Computer is your friend. Be a happy Alpha Complex citizen. ----------------- Date: Sat, 4 Mar 95 01:02 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1588] Re: Defloration! On Fri, 3 Mar 95 02:27 EET, rhorizon@InterServ.Com wrote: >I don't know who requested it, but it's on HORNET again! >/pub/msdos/demos/incoming/music/ I'd like to request something... if someone has the song "Boom! And She Cums" by Dr. Awesome, can you please upload it to Hornet? -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 04:48 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1573] Re: Playing XM files On Thu, 2 Mar 95 01:22 EET, Joshua S. Rodman wrote: >It will work just fine under EMM386.. Are you sure you're not >loading lots of weird TSRs or QEMM? It runs no matter how >I load my system. XMS, EMS, nothing, and any TSR's I want. I don't use QEMM (I have 620k just from running MEMMAKER) I do have some TSR's loaded. I have a cool replacement font to the DOS one, makes reading mail a lot easier on the eyes. >> -No shell to DOS. >Yeah, this is a bit bothersome. If DOS didn't suck so much then we >wouldn't need it though... DOS v7.0 just went into beta... >I once loaded FT2 exclusively to play Nibbles... =) -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Sat, 4 Mar 95 07:52 EET From: (Andrew Voss) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1591] * KLF Re-Releases * Hey there.. ever go through the kosmic/songs/93 ftp dir wondering what happened to the songs made _before_ 8/93? Through powers beyond comprehension, I have found these songs, and have released them on! Check the /kosmic/songs/93 and 92 dirs for anything dated Mar 3 or 4. Most of the songs are by Maelcum and Inspekdah Deck aka Venom, and are in MOD, AMF (must have DMP), or 669 format. Techno/house fans, be sure to check these releases out, demo-music fans, umm.. keep chatting about Weezer :) - Andy V. - Phoenix [Kosmic] - -----------------